Meet the Owner


I have struggled with my weight all my life, thinking I was born to be this way. In 2002, a friend gave me a free month to a gym. That's when I got hooked. In a matter of 2 years, I lost 148 lbs. Working out became my new way of living. I became a personal trainer and continued to work out daily. It had been a dream of mine to own my own gym.

Fast forward to 2011. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, which led to thyroid issues, and had a bit of a setback in terms of weight gain. I took a year off and worked on getting myself well. Then, I picked myself up and dusted myself off with much encouragement from my husband. Funtime Fitness was no longer a dream—it became my reality. I have been on both sides of the fence and know how important exercise is, no matter what size or age you are. If I can help one person achieve their goals, then I have done my job.

I love being able to exercise anytime I want, 24/7 in a safe and friendly women-only environment. Christy is always so welcoming and caring.

-Jess M